
Teaching & Learning Resources Grant​

Teaching and Learning Resources Grant

The Teaching and Learning Resources Grant was introduced in 2013 to help eligible childcare centres and kindergartens defray the cost of purchase and renewal of good quality resources to support teaching and learning activities. It supports childcare centres and kindergartens in setting up well-resourced, purposeful and stimulating learning environments that are equipped with developmentally appropriate materials and objects.

With effect from March 2020, ECDA will enhance the grant amount so that supported centres may receive $5,000 per year to offset the cost of purchase of eligible resources.

Teaching and Learning Resources Grant

Meant forNon-AOP/non-POP childcare or kindergarten centres
Scheme-specific Eligibility Conditions
  • Centres must keep fees for Singapore Citizen children within the following monthly fee caps (before GST):
    • Full-day childcare: $850
    • Full-day infant care: $1, 450
    • Kindergarten: $210
  • Existing centres are required to attain SPARK certification within one year; newly-established centres are required to attain SPARK certification within two years. All centres must maintain their SPARK certification for the rest of their funding tenure.
  • Existing centres must have at least 24-month licence tenure at the point of application; newly-established centres must attain 24-month licence tenure after their 1st year of operation (i.e. upon licence renewal).
Type of OperatorCommercial or SSA
Recurrent fundingTeaching and Learning Resources Grant of $5,000 per year will be provided to centres on a recurrent basis throughout the scheme's entire tenure (i.e. three years). Upon expiry, centres have the option to re-apply on prevailing terms.


The following non-exhaustive reference list​ provides examples of resources which will be eligible for Teaching & Learning Resources Grant funding.


Please send the completed application form to sector_funding@ecda.gov.sg, at any time throughout the year. Please note that you only need to submit one application form even if you are applying for more than one support scheme.