Beanstalk Issue 35 (Apr - Jun 2022)

Cover page

Value To Live By - Guiding Children To Become The Best Versions Of Themselves


  1. EDITOR'S NOTE - Grounded In Healthy Values
  2. FOCUS -  Values System
  3. EC LANDSCAPE - Boosting Quality And Support,Family Comes First
  4. MY TEACHER, MY SCHOOL - Classroom For All,Striking A Rapport,Compassion In Action
  5. INNOVATION AND RESEARCH - Embracing Differences, Second Nature
  7. THRIVE -  Nurturing Nature, Layer UpHome Grown
  8. WELLNESS -  5 Tips To Start A Gratitude Journal
  9. MAILBAG -  We've-Got-Mail!
  10. FUN TIMES -  Roll-For-Respect
Please click on the image below for the full PDF.

Beanstalk Issue 35 Cover Image  

Beanstalk Digital Extension

In this issue of the Beanstalk Magazine, we collaborated with ECDA Fellow Mrs Ang-Oh Chui Hwa to develop a BINGO game which features age appropriate activities focusing on children's social and emotional development! We also invited Ms Michelle and Ms Rohaini from Active Learners Child Care to share how they scaffolded their preschoolers' socio-emotional skills during spontaneous moments which occurred outside of class time!

Chui Hwa with insights on SED and BINGO resource 

Download the BINGO game here.


Active Learners Child Care teachers' sharing 
Hear from Ms Michelle and Ms Rohaini from Active Learners Child Care in an exclusive IG video here.