Beanstalk Issue 13 (Oct - Dec 2016)

Beanstalk issue 13 cover photo

In this issue of Beanstalk, we showcase the highlights from the Early Childhood Conference 2016 and Start Small Dream Big Finale. We also introduce the recipients of the ECDA Awards.

"Effective family, school, and community partnerships enhance the academic, social and emotional development of our children. As Helen Keller puts it, "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much"." ~ Mr Eugene Leong, CEO, ECDA.


  1. FOCUS - What Makes A Village
  2. IN THE NEWS - Creating More Rewarding Careers
  3. EC LANDSCAPE - Making Singapore A Better Place; Learning And Growing Together; Let's Go Outside!
  4. MY TEACHER, MY SCHOOL - A Growing SPARK Family; Making Great Professional Strides
  5. INNOVATION & RESEARCH - When Dragons Go Green; One For The Educators
  7. THRIVE - Young And Arty; Sights and InsightsOat To The HolidaysLeaf It To Art
  8. WELLNESS - For The Fun Parents
  9. MAILBAG - We've Got Mail!
  10. FUN TIMES - Life's A Buzz

Please click on the image below for the full PDF.

Beanstalk issue 13 cover photo