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Relief Staff Pool Initiative

Relief Staff Pool Initiative

To help all preschools access affordable and reliable relief staff services, ECDA has appointed Cultivar Asia Pte. Ltd. and RecruitFirst Pte. Ltd. as relief staff service providers for the Early Childhood (EC) sector. The pricing models of the appointed service providers can be found below (note: all prices listed are subject to the prevailing Goods and Services Tax).

Please note that your preschool(s) are not mandated to tap on the appointed service providers for your manpower needs. Your preschool(s) continue to have the discretion to maintain your own pool of relief staff and/or engage other service providers for your needs.

For further information, you may refer to the following FAQ document, or reach out to the respective service providers via the channels listed below:


Please scan the following QR code or visit this link.

You may also wish to email ece@cultivar.asia for further enquiries.


Please scan the following QR code or visit this link.

You may also wish to email ec_centres@recruitfirst.co for further enquiries.