
Early Childhood CPD Roadmap

The  Early Childhood (EC) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Roadmap is a guide for EC Educators to chart out your personal professional development plan. It outlines the overview of Skills Framework for Early Childhood, job descriptions, and clarifies the Technical Skills and Competencies (TSCs) for each job role at different stages.​

​​​​Through this guide, you will be able to:

  • Identify the Stage 1 and Stage 2 TSCs* required for your job role and plan for training and development to enhance your skills and competencies
  • Deepen your proficiency in the focus areas identified for the sector
  • Have an understanding of the progression of TSCs across different job roles within each educator track

*Stage 1 TSCs are prioritised TSCs that you may want to focus on in the first few years of taking on a new job role. Stage 2 TSCs are additional TSCs that are likewise important for your job role, but can be worked on once you have a firm grounding for Stage 1 TSCs.

The EC CPD Roadmap has been updated in 2023 with all 15 EC Education job roles under the Skills Framework for EC. We hope that you have a fulfilling development pathway ahead! ​ ​