
Sites for ECDCs

Sites for ECDCs

Early Childhood Development Centres (ECDCs) are located in HDB void decks, State properties, private residential areas and commercial spaces. ECDA conducts joint tenders with HDB and SLA for private and Social Service Agency (SSA) operators.

HDB offers sites in HDB void decks and in commercial malls for amenities uses. Private operators can view available ECDC sites at the HDB InfoWEB (Business > Commercial Tenants & Lessees) while SSA operators can view available ECDC sites at the Tender Sites for SSAs.

SLA offers state properties for educational services. These sites can be identified on State Property Information Online (SPIO).

Interested tenderes are encouraged to actively monitor and source for relevant tender details from HDB and SLA that manage properties for ECDC uses.

In addition, through joint efforts of ECDA and URA, selected Government Land Sale (GLS) sites have been sold with tender conditions to provide ECDC spaces. Interested operators may refer to the list of GLS Sites and contact the respective developers directly to lease available ECDC spaces.