Teacher Bryant - It Is Not Simply a Ladies Job

Bryant has chosen a less trodden path. In a sector with few male figures, the children expressed surprise meeting him on the first day of Kindergarten, “Can boys be teachers too?”
The answer is a resounding “Yes!”

Firm, yet caring and approachable, Bryant models the demeanour and attitude befitting of a gentleman. He has taught the children different ways of showing good manners, such as waiting for their turn before they speak up in class, queuing up patiently in line for the bathroom, and helping to tidy the table after a hearty lunch of bee hoon (stir-fried vermicelli noodles). Through simple tasks, he affirms the children for their good behaviour, and inculcates in them the habits of displaying courtesy, honour, and respect.
Furthermore, having served two years of National Service, he continues to use this unique experience as a teaching tool. For example, he has shared with the children about the various fitness exercises that he underwent in the army, such as the Jacob’s ladder. He then leveraged on these stories to emphasise the importance of children showing good posture, so as to maintain a strong backbone, which would be an advantage should they serve National Service in the future.
Evidently, National Service is a topic which engenders children’s curiosity and imagination!

Bryant values every child’s contribution in class, and uses them to enrich the lessons. He shares delightfully that the brilliance of the children’s ideas cannot be imagined nor replicated by adults. He reveals that even their innocuous remarks or the random questions that they ask are inspiration, and rich elements for the kindergarten music curriculum that he has been crafting. As he believes that children construct their own knowledge, he is careful not to stifle their curiosity but seeks to hone their questioning minds.
Although pursuing an education in Early Childhood was an unexpected and unconventional choice, Bryant flourishes in this environment where his passions for music and love for children coincide. Given freedom and flexibility, he integrates music into the teaching of math, language. Byrant is dedicated to improving his lessons each day. Indeed, he works not solely for an income but for the enjoyment, and satisfaction of having his passions fulfilled.
Slowly but surely, Bryant’s inroad into the Early Childhood sector is changing the impression that only women are suitable to be early childhood teachers. He perseveres because of strong support from the staff team at PLAY@Temasek Polytechnic, and his community from the degree program at Wheelock College.
With his dependable personality, and unique blend of skills and experiences, Bryant definitely has a bright future ahead as an Early Childhood professional!