SPARK Certified Centres

SPARK Ceremony 2016

SPARK certification is awarded to centres that have met the baseline quality standards. Recognition is also given to centres with strong Teaching and Learning practices. Read about the stories and experiences of these centres!


All Abroad Virtually@ Beanstalk Issue 30 (Jan - Mar 2021)

Bonding with Baby @ Beanstalk Issue 29 (Oct - Dec 2020)

Sense Of Wonder, Active Duty, Stronger With Each Try@ Beanstalk Issue 27 (Apr - Jun 2020)

Primary Goals @ Beanstalk Issue 26 (Jan - Mar 2020)

Team Players @ Beanstalk Issue 23 (Apr – Jun 2019)

More Than Fun & Games @ Beanstalk Issue 22 (Jan – Mar 2019)

SPARK-Ling Progress@ Beanstalk Issue 21 (Oct – Dec 2018)

World Citizens of Tomorrow @ Beanstalk Issue 20 (Jul – Sep 2018)

Music and Art, The Bilingual Way @ Beanstalk Issue 19 (Apr – Jun 2018)

Young Problem Solvers, Creating a Creative Play Space @ Beanstalk Issue 18 (Jan – Mar 2018)

A Heart for the Young, That Extra Spark! @ Beanstalk Issue 17 (Oct – Dec 2017)

Say it with Heart, Praise for Early Childhood @ Beanstalk Issue 16 (Jul-Sep 2017)

Learning and Moving to the Beat, Back to Basics @ Beanstalk Issue 15 (Apr-Jun 2017)

Making the Leap Forward @ Beanstalk Magazine Issue 14 (Jan-Mar 2017)

A Growing SPARK Family @ Beanstalk Magazine Issue 13 (Oct-Dec 2016)

Staff Matters @ Beanstalk Magazine Issue 12 (Jul-Sep 2016)

Sowing the Seeds of Character @ Beanstalk Magazine Issue 11 (Apr-Jun 2016)

Bright SPARK @Beanstalk Magazine Issue 10 (Jan-Mar 2016)



Click here to know more about SPARK-certified preschools.



SPARK Ceremony 2016

ECDA recognised our outstanding EC educators and centres through the SPARK Certificate Presentation Ceremony.

Click the links below to view photos of the SPARK Ceremony!