Science Centre Singapore


KidsSTOP™ is Science Centre Singapore’s dedicated Children’s Science Centre. Officially opened on 5 June 2014, children aged 8 years and below can learn to inquire, investigate and innovate in a safe and conducive 3,000m² gallery that focuses specifically on science for kids. With more than 20 exhibits designed to introduce STEM concepts, children are provided with ample opportunities to learn through interactive play. KidsSTOP™ also offers educational programmes, events and competitions for young learners, as well as professional development for early childhood educators.



1. Edutaining Programmes in KidsSTOP™

At KidsSTOP™, we offer educational programmes for preschools to introduce young learners to science in a positive, enjoyable and meaningful way. Science topics introduced through our programmes range from the human body, healthy eating, to the environment around us and even electricity! The programmes employ creative drama and hands-on activities to communicate, engage and teach science to young children through interactive storytelling, role playing, puppetry, games, experiments and science demonstrations.

The two-hour Preschool programmes at KidsSTOP™ comprise of:
  • 45 minutes of facilitated activities by our Science Educators
  • 75 minutes of free-play time in KidsSTOP™ gallery

Have a look at our suite of preschool programmes and book our school programmes here: Science Play and CURIOUS Explorer.



2. Overnight Camp at KidsSTOP™: Jo’s Night Out

Spend the night at KidsSTOP™ and have loads of fun participating in our camp activities! At Jo’s Night Out, children work in teams to complete challenges and engage in science activities. Working in collaboration on tasks enhances children’s understanding of various science concepts through first-hand experiences. These camp activities have been curated to develop problem-solving and practical life skills, as well as increase social-emotional competencies among the participants.

Overnight camps are conducted in June, November and December, exclusively for school groups only. Register your preschool’s interest here.



3. KidsSTOP™ Comes to You

KidsSTOP™ Comes to You is an outreach programme for preschools designed to spark interest in learning STEM concepts in an enjoyable way!

Curated for young children aged six and below, each edutainment programme comprises of a 30-minute interactive engagement and a 30-minute hands-on activity. Young children can encounter and understand STEM concepts through bite-sized sessions of music, drama and play with the KidsSTOP™ mascots. Click here to learn more about the programme and book a session for your school.


4. KidsSTOP™ Events

i. Show You Can!

Put up a creative science show and showcase your talents! Show You Can! is an annual drama competition by KidsSTOP™ for young children to develop their confidence and instil interest in science and the creative arts. Register your budding team of performers here.
ii. National Robotics Competition Preschool

Code and design a robot to solve missions on a playfield at the National Robotics Competition Preschool (NRC Preschool). NRC Preschool is a mission-based competition that provides young learners an opportunity to develop their creativity and problem-solving skills in a fun and engaging way. Register your budding team of coders here.
iii. STEAM Festival
Learn science through fun-filled activities at the STEAM Festival! A celebration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM), the festival showcases a multidisciplinary approach to learn and spark interest in science while developing 21st century skills among young learners. Click here to find out more about this year’s festival.



5. KidsSTOP™ Educator Engagement Network (KEEN)

Interested to share classroom practices and ideas to cultivate young learners'  interest in science? Join KidsSTOP™ Educator Engagement Network (KEEN), a professional learning community amongst early childhood educators in science communication. Join our mailing list to receive updates on hands-on workshops that will inspire educators to teach science in the classroom! Find out more about KidsSTOP™ Professional Development for preschool teachers here.



6. Parents Pod at KidsSTOP™

KidsSTOP™ has initiated Parents Pod, an initiative to engage parents and empower them to be meaningfully involved in their children’s learning. Through this network, we hope to support parents’ journey in parenting by offering a holistic learning platform featuring workshops and hands-on experiences. Join our mailing list to be notified of engaging workshops, interactive talks and informal networking sessions to share information and experiences. Find out more about Parents Pod here.