Lee Kuan Yew Fund for Bilingualism

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Kickstart your child’s joy of learning and development of greater interest in MTLs today! 

Supplementing efforts by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in the teaching and learning of English and the MTLs, the Lee Kuan Yew Fund for Bilingualism (LKYFB) supported resources, from enjoyable videos to interactive activities, can help your children nurture their interest to learn Chinese, Malay and/ or Tamil.

Resources in Chinese Language

My Little Red Dot Cover

Thumbs Up Little Junior Cover

《我的小红点: 建设一个美好的家园》 My Little Red Dot

by Edmund Chen (陈之财)

Journey across the ocean with a little fish speckled with a little red dot on its tiny body. Learn more about how this little fish and his fish-friends build a warm and secure ocean home! 

《小小拇指》 Thumbs Up Little Junior

by Singapore Press Holdings (新加坡报业控股)

This fortnightly periodical will take your child into the world of nursery rhymes with vibrant illustrations. Look forward to more family fun by reading comic strips and colouring pages together! Get ready for more interactive fun! TULJ also has a free-to-download Chinese learning mobile application titled ‘Thumbs Up Little Junior’ (available on App Store) containing extension activities such as art and craft activities and games to engage the whole family!

For more exciting Chinese language resources, click on the links below or scan the QR codes provided at the end of this page. 


Resources in Malay Language

Joji Cover 

Belajar Bersama Joji (Learn with Joji) Series
by Kherman bin Buang

One of the many exciting ML resources supported by the Fund includes the Belajar Bersama Joji (Learn with Joji) Series. Embark on a learning adventure with Joji and sometimes, his friends, as they explore numbers, colours, names of animals and more!

To view more meaningful ML resources, click on the links below or scan the QR codes provided at the end of this page.


Resources in Tamil Language

Ants Cover 

எறும்புகள் (Ants)
by Themozhi Pte. Ltd.

Though small, ants carry great weight over long distances. Diligent and united, ants also work tirelessly hard and display great teamwork. Find out more in this catchy video!

To access more fun TL resources, click on the links below or scan the QR codes provided at the end of this page. 


For more readily available and recommended MTL resources, do visit LKFYB’s pages:

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