Launch of "Start Small Dream Big 2016"

SSDB 2016 launch

A President's Challenge initiative by the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) returns for its 2nd year with a zest!

29 April, Friday

SSDB launch

Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park was abuzz as 1,600 children, sporting bright orange hats and big cheerful smiles, streamed into Grand Lawn I this sunny morning. Along with their teachers, they waved merrily at the ECDA officers and helpers, excited to be part of the launch of "Start Small Dream Big 2016".

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Bright smiles all around!

These children represent the 20,000 preschoolers from 315 centres who have pledged their commitment to do their part for this year's "Start Small Dream Big" initiative. They were here today to tell the whole of Singapore that although they are young, they are able to give back to the community through their talents, skills and knowledge, and that they care enough to do so.

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Small outstretched hands in collaborative efforts to pass large bouncy balls from one station to another.

The spirit of teamwork, participation and enthusiasm were clearly at play here!

The friendly "Start Small Dream Big" Ambassadors led the children to the various learning activity stations, organised by our partners for pre-schoolers to learn important life skills and social values.

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At the InfoComm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) activity station, children played with Bee-bot, a robot that can be programmes to move from one destination to another. They learnt concepts such as numbering, sequencing and problem-solving.

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At the National Environment Agency (NEA) station, children discovered that they can play an active role in fighting dengue, and protecting their families and loved ones.

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Children made their own mini-rain gardens at the station by PUB, the National Water Agency, as they learned about natural filtrations and the importance of water in the eco-system.

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Having fun while honing their gross and fine motor skills!

Minister for Social and Family Development, Mr Tan Chuan-Jin, arrived at 10.30am and was happily greeted by the children as he visited the activity stations.

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Minister Tan Chuan-Jin chatting and posing for photos with the children.

Minister was then invited to read a storybook to the children at the Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM) station. Titled "Cloudette", the story is about the eponymous cloud who wants to do big things and finds that even though she is small, she can make a big difference. Cloudette's actions give her the confidence she needs to continue finding ways to make great things happen. The message from this story truly reflects the spirit of the "Start Small Dream Big" movement!

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A captive audience!


The children, teachers, guests and partners gathered around the launch area, made up of a geodesic dome, reminiscent of the latest structures seen along our Singapore skyline. Strings of colourful flower pledge cards, decorated by the children, hung from the dome to the surrounding gazebos.

Drone shot

Seen from an aerial view, the setting even resembled our Singapore Flyer!

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The 'flowers' represent the collective efforts of the children - like little flowers in a meadow, their collective fragrance perfumes the air and brings joy to all around. The children's written pledges on the flowers were the 'seeds' of their commitment.

At the end of a lively countdown, Minister activated the launch mechanism by sliding a metal ball down an acrylic tube. The reflective surface of the metal ball captured the image of everyone present, symbolically bringing together our dreams and aspirations for the nation. As the ball hit the base of the tube, thousands of bubbles were released into the sky, representing the love and happiness of the children, reaching out to all corners of Singapore!

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The bubbles characterise the nature of the children - cheerful and effervescent.

"Start Small Dream Big" would not be possible without the support of our preschool teachers. They have worked closely with the children's family and community partners to come up with worthy community projects that instil the spirit of giving and good values. As Minister Tan said, "It encourages our children to become aware of what is happening around them, think of what they can do to contribute to a good cause, and build values through action"

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