Infocomm for Kindergartens of the 21st Century "iK.21"

The pilot project: "Infocomm for Kindergartens of the 21st Century", also known as iK.21 was initiated by IDA and MOE to explore adoption of Infocomm Technologies (ICT) in the pre-school education sector in 2011. The purpose of iK.21 is to optimise, contextualise and integrate the use of ICT to enhance the learning experience and environment of pre-school children in a collaborative, enriching and interactive way.



The desired outcomes of iK.21 Programme are divided into 3 key areas:

  1. Develop children  into confident individuals who can think independently, critically and communicates effectively as well as active contributors who are able to work effectively in teams.
  2. Increase of teachers' capacity in the use of ICT for teaching and learning.
  3. Develop a self-sustaining ecosystem for the pre-schools where ICT empowers quality pedagogical practices.


Overview of pilot project

The Project Scope of iK.21 is as follows:

  1. Develop children's collaborative and communicative skills through ICT-enhanced lessons and use of interactive tools , e.g. interactive whiteboard, iPad apps, visualiser with recording functions, etc.
    iK21 plus 
  2. Document children's work for the purpose of assessing children's learning. Also to serve as a learning platform using a mobile system for teachers, children and parents.


    The m-portfolio system allows teachers to capture and upload children's work on the move using an iPad app. Teachers can upload lesson plans and tag specific checklist strands to the lessons for earlier reference and share lesson plans with each other.

    Sample lesson plan

    The system enables teachers to tag children and lesson plans to a particular artifact and evaluation of the lesson is captured accordingly.

    The child-parent app allows parents to view their children's work when uploaded. Children can also choose their favourite works and reflect upon them using a recording function.

    Teachers can then assess and evaluate the children's learning with all these resources.

  3. Support a community of practitioners through the provision of a web portal with blog-feature to allow the sharing of useful resources.  The portal also serves as a forum for discussion.
    Sample blog post

    The portal can also host the website of the kindergarten where centres would be able to house lesson plans, checklists, child assessments and inform parents of upcoming centre events.


The list of centres involved in iK.21 in the pilot phase are as follows:

Phase 1

PCF Tampines Central Blk 856-854
PCF Tampines Changkat Blk 106
PCF Tampines Changkat Blk 284-285
PCF Tampines East Blk 358
PCF  Tampines West Blk 140-938
Preschool Learning Academy @ Temasek Polytechnic

Phase 2

​PCF Cheng San-Seletar Blk 435
PCF Cheng San-Seletar Blk 533
PCFTech Chee Blk 301
PCF Teck Ghee Blk 319
PCF Teck Ghee Blk 415
PCF Teck Ghee Blk 466


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