Growing With Your Child Trailer Video


The  "Growing with your Child trailer video” presents an overview of young children's stages of development from birth to 3 years of age. It features snippets of interviews with parents with examples of interactions, communication and children engaged in a variety of developmentally appropriate activities from the 4-part video series ranging from Birth to 6 Months; 7 to 12 months; 1 to 2 years to 2 to 3 years across 5 developmental domains - physical, language, cognitive, social and emotional.

The clips help illustrate how parents relate their understanding of their children's unique temperament and development and provide rich ideas and insights to enhance parents' relationship, bonding and communication with their children.

Video Transcript:

Why are babies the way they are and why do they do the things they do?

Curiosity towards new experiences, that's why. They will move towards anything that comforts or interests them.

Growing With Your Child gives you simple and engaging tips on how you can understand your child's growing needs and development.

Parenting is a life-long adventure when you play, learn and grow with your child.