ECLC - Pedagogical Insights by PASTELs: Communities of Practice

This e-newsletter series features good pedagogical practices and insights from the Pedagogists And Specialists in TEaching and Learning (PASTELs), who have been facilitating Communities of Practice (CoP) with other educators in the sector!

These insights are based on the PASTEL’s and their CoP participants past experiences and in-depth discussion during their CoP sessions on the 4 key domain areas – Early Years Competencies, Outdoor Learning, Language & Literacy and Social & Emotional Development!

Click on the thumbnails below to expand. 

Pedagogical Insights by PASTELs (Apr 2024) 

Pedagogical Insights by PASTELs (Jan 2024) 


Pedagogical Insights by PASTELs (Oct 2023) 


Pedagogical Insights by PASTELs (Jul 2023)