Our preschools and Early Intervention centres will reopen from 2 June 2020, to allow young children to continue learning and to support parents as they return to work. The centres will reopen in phases to better enable preschools to ensure that staff, children and parents adhere to the enhanced safe management measures which we refer to as “COVID-Safe ABCs” - COVID-Safe Access, COVID-Safe Behaviours, and  COVID-Safe Classrooms. Click here for more information on phased reopening and COVID-Safe ABCs.

To keep our preschools safe, we need everyone to do our part together. To instil COVID-Safe ABCs into the preschools’ daily routines, the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) and preschool operators have prepared the materials and resources below to raise public health awareness and build a culture of COVID-Safe habits among preschool staff, children and their parents. These materials are free for the preschool community to download, share and incorporate into your curriculum.

Back to School with Our New ABCs National Colouring Contest

COVID-Safe ABCs Colouring Contest

Preschoolers got to exercise their creativity and pledge to do their part to stay COVID-Safe in our national colouring contest in June 2020. Thank you to all preschoolers and preschools for taking part! Check out the beautiful artworks from our 100 winners here!

COVID-Safe ABCs Activity Kit e-Resource

Continue staying safe with the COVID-Safe ABCs Activity Kit! This e-resource provides teachers and parents with many fun ideas and age-appropriate activities to help instil COVID-Safe habits into the daily routines of your pre-schoolers in school and at home.


Back to School ABCs jingle


COVID-Safe #15dayABC challenge
