Beanstalk Issue 3 (Apr - Jun 2014)


In this issue of Beanstalk, parents share why community spaces are good learning grounds for children, find out more about the new science centre for children aged 18 mths to 8 years. Centres share how a little kindness can go a long way.

Learn how one centre worked towards getting certified under the Singapore Pre-School Accreditation Framework (SPARK).


  1. COVER STORY - Park Life, Be Clear & Consistent and In it Together
  2. EC LANDSCAPE - The Way Forward
  3. INNOVATION & RESEARCH - Show A Little Kindness
  4. IN THE NEWS - A Sparkling Idea
  5. ECDA AWARDS - Reaching Out
  6. MY TEACHER, MY SCHOOL - Reaching Out To Every Child
  7. THRIVE - Playing To LearnNurture A Little Scientist, Watch It RiseRound And Round
  9. LIFESTYLE - The Gift of Giving, Coupons
  10. FUN TIMES - Earth Calling!

Please click on the image below for the full PDF.
