2016 ECDA NLB Expert Series Workshops

Presentation slides for Helping Parents promote better behaviours in young children

2016 Early Read Expert Series Workshops

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在家轻松培养双语宝宝 (Raising a Bilingual Child at Home)

We kick-started the 2016 Expert Series Workshops with a bilingual flavour!

Ms Hou Jing, an early childhood trainer at the National Institue of Education (NIE), shared with parents tips and strategies on promoting bilingualism in young children. Conducted entirely in the Chinese Language, her tips included leveraging on environmental prints, facilitating meaningful writing practices and implementing an effective home language environment.

Click on the thumbnails to download Ms Hou's presentation slides and a list fo supporting reading materials recommended by NLB!

Home bilingualism
                    presentation slides
NLB recommended reading list

Presentation slides for "Raising a bilingual child at home "

NLB recommended reading list on bilingualism

Introduce books with 2 languages! Ms Hou Jing

Ms Hou shared that parents can support bilingualism through home reading habits. Parents can attempt introducing books that come in two different languages.

Ms Hou introducing the importance of bilingualism and how to go about pitching it at the child's level of understanding.

Helping Parents Promote Better Behaviours in Young Children

Facing challenges daily in trying to understand and manage your child's behaviours? In the second workshop of our Early Read Expert Series, Ms Kanniga, a signpost facilitator with KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH), conducted a workshop to share tips and strategies on promoting better behaviours in young children.

According to Ms Kanniga, parents need to understand their children's behaviours first in order to derive appropriate and effective strategies to promote better behaviours positively.

Click on the thumbnails below to download Ms Kanniga's presentation slides and a recommended reading list by NLB.

Presentation slides for Helping Parents promote better behaviours in young children Recommended reading list by NLB
Presentation slides for "Helping Parents Promote Better Behaviours in Young Children "NLB recommended reading list on managing children's behaviour
Sharing tips and strategies Helping parents realise a strong parent-child relationship is critical
Ms Kanniga shared tips and strategies for parents to understand the bahaviours of young children and how to manage challenging behaviours.

Ms Kanniga shared that forming a strong relationship with the child can form a good foundation to promoting better behaviours in young children.

What Makes a Good Picture Book

Picture books can be very powerful tools in early literacy development. The choice of picture books and technique of introducing them to children can enable stories to come alive and foster a love for books.

In the third workshop of our Early Read Expert Series, Ms Raneetha Rajaratnam, Deputy Director, Service Development, NLB and Ms Lynn Chua, Head of Early Literacy Services, Service Development, NLB, conducted a workshop to share tips and strategies on promoting early literacy development in young children. These include learning how to select good books by recognising their quality through the study of illustration, plot, characters and other elements.

Click on the thumbnails below to download the presentation slides and a recommended reading list by NLB.

Presentation slides
Book list
Presentation slides for "What Makes a Good Picture Book "NLB recommended book list on selecting good picture books
Importance of picture books
Importance of picture books2
Ms Chua introducing the importance of pictures in complementing the storyline and aiding children's understanding of the book.Sharing some interesting elements of a book that can better engage children. The story format, design text and illustrations all play a role.

To view materials from 2015 Expert series workshops, click here!